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Join us....? You are very welcome!
Would you like to meet interesting people, learn new things, do fun activities, listen to fascinating speakers, take the occasional trip or two to somewhere new and enjoy a delicious piece of home made cake?
We are a friendly, welcoming group with over 40 members. Our aim is to combine the traditional with the modern so our meetings can include anything from gardening and cookery to the Air Ambulance and Tai Chi and a lot in between.
Guests are very welcome so if you would like to come to a meeting just email one of the committee to find out more. We look forward to seeing you.
Spotlight on... New Groups
We'd love to hear about any New Groups you'd like to create.
All ideas are very welcome and have started you off with some example ideas here....
If you head to the Group Page we have listed all our current groups as a reminder to everyone.
Photos from our recent Groups, News & Events
Here's some example photos from our walking group, monthly meetings and trips out. We'll be expanding on this soon, where we'll be doing write ups for past events and sharing upcoming events, beyond the Monthly Meetings you can see now. We'll also be adding highlights to our latest news and recent events.
Spotlight on: Our Lunch Club:
Our Lunch Club meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday.
There's no need to 'join' as such - you are welcome to come along as and when suits you. We can organise lifts/car share for anyone who needs it. For more info, click here
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